News & Updates
You'll find the latest information on Board activity and current projects here.
07-04-2024 We are hiring!
The Kluane National Park Management Board is hiring: Office Manager
Location: Haines Junction, Yukon
Duration: Permanent, part-time
$32-$38 hourly depending on experience
Closing Date: April 30, 2024
The primary function of the Office Manager is to provide administrative, financial and operational support to the Board. This involves preparing monthly meeting materials, all financial submissions (using Sage and Excel); coordinating with attendees; organising and attending public functions; and maintaining the office equipment and environment. As the liaison between the Board and the public, as well as government funding agencies, this person is responsible to maintain public access to the Board. This position is a minimum of 20 hours per month, and may vary as required. Evening work is required, as well as some weekends.
For a full job description, please click the above image.
Application Instructions
Please submit your cover letter and resume via email to by midnight April 30th, 2024 (YST).
Only those applicants legally entitled to work in Canada will be considered.
Only those screened in for interviews will be contacted.
03-08-2022 Updated information on Kluane National Park Management Plan
01-16-2021 Interested in becoming a member of the Kluane National Park Management Board
12-18-2020 Searching for a local artist
The Kluane National Park Management Board is looking for a local artist to make KNPMB face masks.
Please email us at: for more information or if you are interested.
07-18-2020 Meeting Update
Meetings will be held via conference call and by socially distancing in the meeting room, due to Covid-19.
We are available for appointment only, please call or email to make a booking.
11-12-2020 Board Meeting Minutes
You'll find the approved minutes for the past meeting here: Minutes 08-20 and Minutes 09-20
10-07-2020 Board Meeting Minutes
You'll find the approved minutes for the past few meetings here: Minutes 06-20 and Minutes 07-20
07-18-2020 Board Meeting Minutes
You'll find the approved minutes for the past few meetings here: Minutes 04-20 and Minutes 05-20
Due to Covid-19 Meetings will be held by conference call and social distance within the meeting room.
The Kluane National Park Management Board office is open by appointment only. Administration can still be contacted through email: and phone: 867-634-2746. Please call or email to book an appointment.
02-19-2020 - Board Meeting Minutes
You'll find the approved minutes for the past few meetings here: Minutes 01-20 and Minutes 02-20.
30-01-2020 - Board Meeting Minutes
You'll find the approved minutes for the past few meetings here: Minutes 09-19 and Minutes 11-19.
25-09-2019 - Board Meeting Minutes
You'll find the approved minutes for the past few meetings here: Minutes 07-19 and Minutes 08-19.
25-07-2019 - Board Meeting Minutes
You'll find the approved minutes for the past few meetings here: Minutes 05-19 and Minutes 06-19.
23-05-2019 Management Planning Open Houses
The 10-year review of the management plan for Kluane National Park and Reserve is underway. Get involved and help shape the future of this national park. The KNPMB is co-hosting management planning open houses during the first week of June.
You can read all about the management planning on the
Kluane National Park and Reserve website.
Open houses are:
- Tuesday, June 4 from 6 to 8 p.m.
@ DaKu Cultural Centre in Haines Junction
- Wednesday, June 5 from 5 to 7 p.m.
@ the Jacquot Hall in Burwash Landing
- Thursday, June 6 from 6 to 8 p.m.
@ the Mt. McIntyre Rec. Centre in Whitehorse.
And you'll find the latest approved minutes here: Minutes 04-19.
01-05-2019 Board Meeting in Burwash Landing
The KNPMB is holding their next meeting in Burwash Landing and members of the public are welcome to attend. You will find us in the Elder's Room of the Jacquot Building startting at 11 a.m.
You'll find the approved minutes for the past few meetings here: Minutes 10-18, Minutes 01-19, Minutes 02-19, and Minutes 03-19.
06-03-2019 - Open House in Burwash Landing
The KNPMB is hosting an Open House in Burwash Landing on Saturday March 23, 2019, at 10 a.m. in the Main Hall of the Jacquot Building.
There will be presentations on current projects, amazing door prizes for outdoor enthusiasts, and coffee, tea and lunch will be served for all. Come join us! Everybody is welcome!
Event Schedule:
10 a.m.: Open House
12 p.m.: Lunch and Door Prizes
1:30 p.m.: Board Meeting (open to the public)
05-12-2018 December Open House
The KNPMB is co-hosting an Open House on Thursday December 13 from 5p.m. to 7p.m. at the St. Elias Convention Centre in Haines Junction.
There will be interesting booths, delicious food catered by Guys & Dolls, and amazing door prizes for outdoor enthusiasts. Come join us! Everybody is welcome!
Hosted by:
Alsek Renewable Resources Council
YESAB - Haines Junction Office
Conservation Officer Services and Regional Biologists
Squirrel Camp
Parks Canada
Kluane National Park Management Board
14-11-2018 - Meeting Minutes and Upcoming Events
14-11-2018 Meeting Minutes and Upcoming Events
The August and September meeting minutes have been approved and are available here: Minutes 08-18 and Minutes 09-18.
The Kluane National Park Management Board will have a booth at the Haines Junction Mountain Festival. Come and meet us on Friday, November 30, at the St. Elias Convention Centre, starting at 7pm. If you can't make it on Friday and would like to learn more about the Board, we will also set up a booth at Daku on Saturday, December 1, starting at 10:30am.
Finally, the KNPMB will be hosting an Open House on December 13th, from 5pm to 7pm at the St. Elias Convention Centre. There will be free food and amazing door prices. Be sure to mark the date in your calendars and stay tuned for more details!
29-08-2018 - CANCELLED Board Meeting in Burwash Landing
29-08-2018 CANCELLED Board Meeting in Burwash Landing
The meeting the Board was to have in Burwash Landing on September 15th has been cancelled. Instead, the KNPMB will meet in their office in Haines Junction at 10:30 a.m. on September 15th.
17-08-2018 Board Meeting in Burwash Landing and Meeting Minutes
The KNPMB is holding its September meeting in Burwash Landing. This is an opportunity for Destruction Bay and Burwash Landing community members to meet the new Board members, bring comments or concerns forward or to simply attend the meeting to learn more about the projects the KNPMB is working on.
Lunch will be catered by the Kluane Energy Cafe and served at noon (12pm) in the Elder's Room of the Jacquot Building. The meeting will begin at 1pm. Everyone is welcome to join for lunch and/or the meeting. The meeting agenda will be posted here by September 12th.
The minutes from our July 17, 2018 meeting can be found here: Minutes 07-18.
18-07-2018 Board Meeting Minutes
The minutes from our May 22 and June 16, 2018 meetings can be found here: Minutes 05-18 and Minutes 06-18.
30-05-2018 Annual Report and Board Meeting Minutes
From moving into a new office space to participating in the Kluane National Park and Reserve management planning process, the Board has been busy over the past year. All the details can be found in the Narrative Report for the 2017-2018 fiscal year: KNPMB Narrative Report 2017-2018.
And the latest minutes from the April 21, 2018 meeting are now available too: Minutes 04-18.
26-04-2018 Board Meeting Minutes
The latest minutes from our March 17, 2018 meeting can be found here: Minutes 03-18.
28-03-2018 Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Board meeting minutes will be posted online from now on and will be found on the News & Updates page.
Here are the most recently approved meeting minutes:
- February 3, 2018 Meeting: Minutes 01-18
- February 19, 2018 Meeting: Minutes 02-18
23-02-2018 New office opening hours
The Kluane National Park Management Board office is now open every Wednesday and Thursday from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Anyone seeking more information about the Board, wishing to submit comments or concerns, or wishing to attend a Board meeting are welcome to stop by, or alternately call and arrange an appointment.
The office can be found at 117 Auriol Street in Haines Junction, in the little wooden house with the red roof across the street from the Village Bakery, through the back door. Sylvie, the Board's Administrator, will be there to help you with your inquiries.
05-12-2017 Park Management Planning
The Canada National Parks Act requires each national park to have a management plan that reflects policies and legislation of Parks Canada and comprehensive land claims agreements. These plans provide strategic direction for management of parks and are to be reviewed every 10 years. The Board is currently involved in the development of a new management plan for Kluane National Park & Reserve.
It is the role of KNPMB to ensure that the implementation of the plan takes into account the recognition, respect and support of First Nations' Land Claims agreements and to act as a conduit for local people to participate in park management areas such as:
- Ecological monitoring;
- Cultural reintegration;
- Identify, understand, communicate and protect Southern Tutchone cultural resources;
- Heritage tourism;
- Interpretation and outreach;
- First Nation opportunities;
- Recreational use;
- Visitor services;
- Harvest zones;
- Trails, routes, and air access.