Our Vision
Kluane National Park Management Board promotes connections to the Park & Reserve through effective relationships with Champagne & Asihihik First Nations, Kluane First Nation and Parks Canada.
Creation of the Board
The Kluane National Park Management Board (KNPMB) was established with the signing of the Champagne & Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) Final Agreement in 1995.
Three Parties have representatives sitting on the Board: CAFN, Canada, and Kluane First Nation (KFN), who joined the Board in October 2003, when they ratified their Final Agreement.
Equal Representation
Each Party has equal representation on the Board, resulting in two representatives each from CAFN, KFN, and Canada.
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada appoints persons nominated by the Parties for a 3 year term.
The Kluane National Park & Reserve (KNP&R) Superintendent holds a non-voting ex-officio seat on the Board.
~ Our Values ~
Stewards of the Land
Working Together
Common Goal
Mindful of Generations to Come
Southern Tutchone Language & Way of Life
Cooperative Management
A Cooperative Agreement signed by Parks Canada, CAFN, KFN, and KNPMB guides the process for the cooperative management of KNP&R.
The Board also provides a link between KNP&R and the communities bordering the park, ensuring a local perspective to cooperative management.
An Advisory
The authority, role and responsibility of KNPMB is currently outlined as an advisory body to Parks Canada, CAFN, and KFN, making recommendations and providing advice to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Parks Canada officials, CAFN, and KFN.